
Why do we always compare Nollywood with Hollywood? Are they the same? Do they have the same amount of financing and technology? Will you also compare Nigeria's nuclear technology with the US? this Nollywood hype is getting out of hand but tell those that think it's crap to lay off it and watch something else, they wouldn't leave them alone. Movie making is the least of Nigeria's problem, if you feel that Nollywood is crap, get over it and watch hollywood because they release many movies each week. Nigerian music as popular as they are still get on my nerves but I don't go around online whining on how I seriously want Tuface to evolve into Usher. If Hollywood's 1950's production are better than nollywood, good. Just go to the archives and get some entertainment and tell Nollywood to go to hell. It's not as if any of them is free or Nollywood movies are funded with Nigerian money. Enough of this whining abeg.
Tho, this guy seems frustrated, he is clearly stating the fact. Nollywood is our own movie industry and we should correct rather than to criticize.
 “My parents love those films, they relate to them… But for me… the mistakes in continuity, the music playing over the dialogue the whole time and there is always a central character who is an African woman screaming! Always!” 

Nollywood should also trip out to find out and work on their mistakes. Tho, they are numerous. Let me help. Sound tracks too loud, predictable movies, too much fake animations.
Lets encourage please…..!!!!!!
As you know, when a laptop is in a frozen room and people are hot, the only explanation is that fat grandmothers can only ride bicycles with 7 tires